The Apple Pie of My Eye

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I had a great time just relaxing, baking, knitting, and spending time with my awesome parents.

Maybe the greatest thing about this Thanksgiving was the beginning of a new tradition that I think everyone should take part in. I decided to watch all of the Friends Thanksgiving episodes the day before turkey day, like you would watch Christmas movies or listen to Christmas music on Christmas Eve. Best decision ever. I mean who doesn't love the one with Chandler in the box or Rachel's meat-trifle?

So as I was cracking up with my favorite Friends, I worked on my contribution to the Thanksgiving meal, apple pie! I used Paula Deen's crunch top apple pie recipe, found here.

Here is the pie before the oven:

And here it is after! Now I know my basket weave isn't perfect...but hey, it's homemade. It was delicious, if I do say so myself! (Perfect with vanilla bean ice cream!)

I also spent my time off from classes working on orders and some cute new packaging-tags and notecards for the holidays.

What do you think? I also changed out the banner in the shop with a new one decked out with Christmas lights, courtesy of my awesome friend Keith.

Well, Thanksgiving was great, but now it's time to get serious, finish out this semester and rock the holiday rush!!