How I Will Dominate 2011!

It has taken me a few days to get my goals for the new year in's kind of a big deal though. Whether or not I actually complete any of them is debatable, but it is always good to have goals, right? So here it goes, my semi-thought out, non-binding, vague, goals for 2011. 
1. Increase confidence in myself
This is something I have really struggled with. I never fail to put myself down on a daily basis. My self-esteem definitely increased in the last year, but I know I can feel even better about myself at the end of this year if I keep my chin up. :-)
2. Take more time to create
I spent a lot of time last year making the same things and not taking the time to create new products for the shop. I have so many ideas, I just need make them happen!

3. Apply to a craft fair
I think I am ready to tackle the intensity involved with working at a craft fair. It will definitely be an adventure! 
(See my trip to the Dallas Flea and Etsy Dallas Jingle Bash)
4. Submit my work to magazines/blogs
Why not right? If I don't try, I'll never know.
5. Increase my social network stamina
I need to be a better with my blogging, tweeting and...tumbling? Haha. 
5. Attempt some "yarn bombing/guerrilla knitting" on my campus
I think that would be so fun!!! I would definitely blog about it too.
Some yarn bombing done by the amazing group, Knitta Please.
6. Be happier! 
That's pretty straight forward right?
This year was so great, but the unknown of a new year always scares me a little. 
That's ok though, we'll see what happens together!