Blogging for Confidence #4 - Dealing with Doubt

If doubting and fear were Olympic sports, I would totally pull a "Michael Phelps" and win every medal. 
This was a "what am I doing with my life" kind of week. Here are just a few of the questions that have been running through my mind:
- Is the time I spend blogging taking away from my future?
- Is my Etsy shop just a waste of time and money?
- What do I really want to do in the "real world"?
- Where will I be a year from now?
- Blogging and Etsy weren't in the plan when I started college. So, what's the point of all this? 
- Which came first, the chicken or the egg?? (Ok...not that one...but still a puzzling issue.)
I broke down yesterday when all of these questions hit me at once. I can see myself graduating and walking across the stage a year from now, but what exactly will I be walking towards? That's why I love this print from Hello Jenuine. I can make plans for the future and then proceed to question everything in my life, or I can just do what I love and let the rest fall into place. 
What would I do without Etsy and blogging in my life? I really have no idea. I am so thankful to have two such powerful creative passions and I need shouldn't doubt something so positive. 
I love to knit. I love to blog. It seems like at least a few other people enjoy my passions too. No doubt about it. :-)
I guess this challenge wasn't as literal as wearing red lipstick and taking pictures in a yarn shop. However, being a girl that doesn't open up too often, I would say admitting my doubts and fears is quite a big step.
I don't want to go through life doubting every step I take. If I'm being honest, blogging and Etsy have brought a lot of questions into my life. But I know that they've both helped me get one step closer to understanding my strengths and gaining more confidence. However, I have no doubt that these creative experiences will ultimately help me decide what I want to do with my life and how I want to live it.  
*To see my previous Blogging for Confidence posts, click here
*Want to join the challenge? Grab a button
Have a great weekend everyone! :-)