A happy mail delivery on a sick day

Yesterday was declared a "sick day" when I woke up with no sense of smell and a voice about three octaves deeper than usual. I stayed home all day, drinking tea, watching movies, and feeling generally miserable until...the yarn fairy arrived! The yarn I ordered for my next project, the fawn poncho/"fawn-cho", finally came in and I'm so excited! After "oohing" and "ahhing" over the pretty colors, and in an attempt to relieve my cabin-fever boredom, I decided to snap a few pictures. See, my gif-making addiction is so intense that not even a cold could keep me from animating a stack of yarn in my hand. ;-)

However, this excitement was cut short when I realized that I don't have the right size circular needles for the pattern. Such a let down. Oh well. Even though I can't play with this pretty yarn yet, I'm just really, really excited about starting a new project! Does anyone else get in moods like this? All I want to do is create something and learn a few new techniques along the way.

I wish this yarn had healing powers though...I'm ready to stop sniffling.

What projects are you excited about right now?

gif, Knitting, yarnmeredith