Spring Break Fun + Giveaway Winner

I had the best time during my spring break this week! It was filled with...

(From left to right)
- Going to brunch with my family.
- Painting my nails.
- Working on my "fawn-cho". I've definitely recovered from my mistake and I will share some progress pictures this week! I love this project so much.
- Baking homemade granola.
- Baking homemade rosemary crackers. So random, but they were extremely easy and tasty too!
- Snapping more Instax pictures around my neighborhood.
- I finally had time to update my blog banner for spring! It is always hard for me to change anything on my blog, but I really like it. It reflects what I think the inside of my brain looks like during 99.9% of the day. :)
- I did a little shopping yesterday and found that cute sweater and dress. 

Throughout the week, I honestly felt really lame at certain times. I didn't go spring break crazy or anything, unless you consider baking homeade granola and crackers crazy. Actually...don't answer that. Haha. Anyway, I realized it's ok that my definition of "fun" mostly consists of baking, knitting, and other crafty things. I  enjoyed my vacation so that's all the matters! Also, my time away from school gave me a chance to plot, plan, and dream about....
...my trip to London and Paris in May!! I won't feel lame on that trip for one second, I can tell you that right now. I am getting so excited it is ridiculous. It's kind of a dream come true. I'm almost more excited about that trip than some other big event in May...what's that again? Oh yeah. Graduation. Haha. I will probably ask you all for travel tips when May gets closer, but I would love to hear all about your favorite places to visit in both cities. This will be my first trip to Europe so please fill me in on your travel wisdom if you can! 

Also, the giveaway winner of the Chocolate Mints in a Jar pattern giveaway is...
Congratulations Megan! Jessyz will be contacting you soon. Thanks for entering everyone. 

Now it's time for me to get back to a schedule even though my "senioritis" is going crazy. I hope you all had a great weekend! 

instagram, vacationmeredith