April To-Do List

Yesterday was Christmas Day, right? No, it was just a Sunday that involved me typing away on an essay until the wee hours of the morning.

I feel like this year is moving so quickly! Now that April has arrived it means I only have one full month until I graduate from college. Even as I type it, that statement doesn't seem real. According to the occasional and embarrassing squeals of delight that result from an inbox full of "graduation day prep" emails, it must be true. I can't wait! But I can...but I can't! Oh, so conflicted. Haha. I definitely won't miss things like writing essays when May 12 arrives. It is so exciting and terrifying all at once!

For April, (along with my other boring, much less prettily illustrated, to-do list) I plan on making the most of it and enjoying the time I have left.

- I counted up the comments and it looks like the "take myself on a date" challenge is the winner! I plan on doing something fun on Tuesday this week! I'm so excited/nervous. However,  thanks to your shared experiences and words of encouragement, I know I can do it. I'm bringing my camera so I will do my best to capture it all! Actually, the taking pictures of said date will probably be the most uncomfortable part. Only for you guys... ;)
- The yarn bombing is definitely happening too! I put my tape measure in my backpack so I can awkwardly whip it out before class starts sometime this week. If anyone asks, I'll say I'm a building inspector or something. Because that's less awkward...
- I am going to finish the fawn-cho this month no matter what! The pride I feel for that inanimate article of clothing is borderline crazy. It's just so pretty! Mostly, I just want to finish it so I can wear it in London.
- I'm on the look out for a cute graduation dress. Who cares if it is going to be covered underneath the gown most of the day...right?
- I have one month left and I want to make it count.
- 40 days. Forty. Days.

April is going to be wonderful and filled with so many more things than I can think of! It is probably going to fly by even faster than the other months.

It's already the second day too! Yikes!

gif, journalmeredith