Blogging for Confidence #11 - A Date With Me

1.) My contraband candy 2.) Don't you love the ugly carpet in movie theaters?
Grace Kelly is so beautiful. I think this is a scene from one of my favorite movies, "To Catch a Thief".

Well, I survived. I successfully took myself on a pretty great date to the movies. I think I need to make this a tradition!

I planned to take myself out on Tuesday afternoon after my internship, but the weather in Dallas turned crazy. We had several tornados touch down in the area and it was pretty scary for a few hours. Sirens wailing and sideways rain is not my idea of a good date. I was so ready to be all confident that day and I honestly felt a little discouraged when I couldn't go do it. I wouldn't let the weather defeat my spirit though!

After class yesterday afternoon, I regrouped and decided to finally go see The Hunger Games. I read all of the books over Christmas break and was completely hooked. So, I got dressed up, snuck a box of Dots in my bag (movie snacks are so expensive!) and made my way to the theater. I stuck with my iPhone camera because I wasn't feeling that confident to tote the big one. I went in the afternoon so I knew it would be quiet with less cute couples and judgmental teenagers sitting around me. When I stepped into the theater, I saw a a few older men who clearly came alone too and probably didn't want other people to know they were seeing The Hunger Games. Haha! Awesome. My company was very interesting. Anyway, I found a seat, propped up my feet, opened up my Dots and got ready for the movie. From then on I didn't feel weird at all. I definitely understand the appeal of going to the movies alone. It's fun and extremely calming. It was nice to get away from stress and obligations, turn off my phone, and enjoy a movie. 
The worst part of the experience was the few rude comments I got on Instagram for taking myself on a date. I try to ignore the spam and occasional offensive remarks that come with Instagram, but when little girls feel the need to type "forever alone" on my picture...that kind of hurts. I don't understand why people feel the need to judge others so harshly. I wanted to take myself out just for fun and see if I could confidently handle it. And I did. 
So I think it was pretty great, no matter what anyone else thinks.