Goodbye Little Apartment...

And so it begins...the season of change! Today is my last day in my apartment after three years. There's no better way to end a stressful week than with a big move before final exams, right? Ok...that was a little sarcastic.

I experienced ups and downs in this little place, but I am so thankful for the time I spent here. I was really able to grow and learn how to be myself. I studied like a mad woman, shuffled around in my socks when I had a cold, knit my fingers to the bone for my first craft show and watched a lot of Netflix. I can't believe my time here is over! For now, I am back at my parents house as I finish up final exams. I can't wait to see where I end up next! I'm sure that place will be just as important to me.

I will always remember the blog posts and knit projects I dreamed up while sitting on that couch. Most importantly, I will never forget that I finally found myself during the time spent here and how I learned to appreciate the kooky-colorful-knitter that I am.

Thanks little apartment! It was fun!

P.S. - I just wanted to thank you all again for being so supportive during these next few weeks. My mind is running in circles and your kind words really help me slow down and smile...if only for a moment. :)

college, my apartmentmeredith