Guest Post // DIY Lavender Doily Heat Pack from House of Humble

Hi! My name is Katie and I blog over at House of Humble. I love reclaiming things and making cute stuff out of thrifted or discarded items, so today I thought I would share a super simple DIY for lavender heat packs, using a vintage bed sheet, an old doily and rice from your pantry. These are perfect for cuddling up with when you've got a sore tummy or frosty toes, and the soothing lavender scent can aid in relaxation and peaceful sleep. Lovely!

To make your own heat pack you'll need some fabric (I used a vintage sheet for the back and a spotty print for the front), a doily, uncooked rice, dried lavender, some pinking shears, a plate and pencil for tracing, and a sewing machine or needle and thread.

1. Use your plate and pencil to trace two circles on the wrong side of your fabric/s.
2. Cut the circles out using pinking shears (this will stop them fraying).
3. Use your sewing machine or needle and thread to sew your doily onto one fabric circle.
4. Place your fabric circles back to back and sew them together, leaving a gap big enough to fill the joined circles with rice and lavender.
5. Pour in your rice and lavender. I used 3 parts rice to 1 part lavender and filled my pack about 3/4 full.
6. Sew up the hole and you're done! 

To use your heat pack simply warm it up in the microwave. I microwaved mine for 5 mintues and it was still cool enough to touch, but warm enough to keep me toasty for about an hour. Heat time will depend on the size of your heat pack and the power of your microwave.

Thanks for letting me share this little project with you. I hope you all have a truly wonderful day!

*Thank you so much for sharing this DIY with us Katie! I could definitely use a soothing heat pack after walking all over London and Paris. :)

crafts, diy, guest postmeredith