Hehe. Get it? Oh-May-goodness....oh-my-goodness. So cheesy. Well oh-may-goodness...May is here! Somebody needs to come over here, give me a good pinch on the arm, and convince me that this is actually happening. Today was my last day of college class ever. I awkwardly turned to the sophomore girl next to me at the end of class and said, "So I never have to go to class again...yay." Oh and one of my English professors gave me a high five as I walked out the door. That was pretty awesome. Other than that, it was surprisingly uneventful. It just sort of ended. Done. No more class or lectures. Well ok then! Haha. I can't believe it. I still have three final exams to take and then graduation is on May 12th! I have so many emotions right now. I could get super sappy and love-filled in this post...but I think I will save that for next week. After graduation, I can finally get psyched for....

...London and Paris! Eep! I can hardly believe that we will be getting on a plane at the end of the month. We still have so much to do! I really appreciate all of the tips you left me on my last post. If you can think of anything else we must visit please leave a comment and let me know!
Also, I am working on a meet-up day in London so we can all get together and say hello! So many of you have emailed me asking to meet up for tea or a bit of knitting, so I thought I would try to get as many of us together all at once. I'm still working on the details but hopefully I will have a plan soon! I just can't wait!!
Even though class is over...I still have three big hurdles to jump until I can officially say goodbye to college. It's time to hit the books again! :)
Happy May everyone! I think my quiet knitter life is about to get very exciting...