Knitting & Yarn Shopping with my Pen Pal

I've never known anyone in a city I visit  on vacation, so this trip gave me a lot of new travel experiences. I was so excited to meet my pen pal Kim during our time in London. She is an art student, illustrator, and knitter extraordinaire and I was so excited to spend the day (or two!) with a true Londoner. :)  The first day we met in the tube station and I knew we were going to have a great day.  We went to the Victoria & Albert museum, Liberty, and the cutest yarn shop in Kingly Court called All the Fun of the Fair. I couldn't get enough of the beautiful yarns and cute knick-knacks for knit lovers. Also, it was a little surreal shopping for yarn with my London knitting buddy! 

We had so much fun that we decided to get together again on our last day in the city. We got lunch and then went over to the department store John Lewis on Oxford Street because Kim said they had a great yarn selection. What? Yarn in a department store? I'm thinking of Macy's...not Hobby Lobby. But I was proved wrong! On the fourth floor, we found a huge selection of yarns in the store's very own craft area. Kim and I had fun picking out yarn for our traveling pen pal knit project, something to work on together even though we are on different continents. After purchasing our yarns, we knew our visit wouldn't be complete without actually sitting down and knitting together! We took the tube to Hyde Park and set up under the shade of a tree. It was the perfect way to end our time in London, just relaxing, knitting, and chatting in the park on a beautiful day. The only negative was the creepily curious squirrels that got a little too close for my comfort. I may or may not have freaked out a few times. I don't trust their beady little eyes...

I am so glad I got the opportunity to meet Kim! I already miss her so much. Too bad we can't go to the park and knit all the time. We will just have to keep writing letters and hope that I can come back to London someday soon!

Have you ever met one of your pen pals in person?