Crochet Teacup Ornaments

...and hot cocoa too! :)

I know, I know. You're probably saying,"It's July, Meredith!". Well...I was feeling inspired to get a head start on the holidays and work on some new crochet ornaments for the shop! In my opinion, it's never to early to get started on the busy holiday season. I made the first one for my mom last year to continue my annual tradition of giving her a ornament gift on Christmas morning. She loved it so much that I knew I had to add some to my shop this year! I think tiny cups of tea are cute all year long anyway.

As much as I love the excruciating heat of summer, I'm game for sweaters and tea any day. Oh, and records by the fire, twinkly lights, thick socks, blankets, baking, and...well you get the idea. If Hobby Lobby says it's time to put out the Christmas decorations, that's good enough for me! ;)

You can find the crochet ornaments in my shop here.

Has anyone else started on their holiday crafting yet? Or am I overeager and alone in my way-too-early holiday excitement? It's ok. I'm not even a little bit ashamed...