I've found my latest craft addiction: embroidery. I had no idea how much I would love these little stitches!! I did some embroidery on the
wedding gift I gave my dear friend a few weeks ago and after that I was itching to experiment with more stitches. Do you ever get that feeling? Where all you can think about is a craft project and until you get your hands on the materials and have the time to actually do it, it is basically a form of torture. I'm sure there are other craft nerds who understand what I'm talking about....I hope. Well, I planned to spend last weekend playing with the cute cake embroidery patterns in the latest issue of Mollie Makes. On Saturday I went to Hobby Lobby to look around and find some pretty embroidery thread colors. When I was about to leave the thread aisle I found the iron on kits for embroidery and a dessert-themed pack caught my eye. I decided to try to embroider this phrase on a tea towel instead of the cakes because it is one of my favorite quotes, "Have your cake and eat it too!". I really love how the colors look. I picked out a ombré color scheme of pretty tangerines with blues to accent. Now I have another handmade tea towel to add to
my collection! :)

After I finished the tea towel I wasn't ready to stop embroidering yet, so I practiced some of the new stitches I learned and made a little "stitch-onary" (stitch dictionary...haha) to put on my bulletin board or something. I get a little giddy when I'm learning something new. Is "giddy" the right word? Maybe "obsessed" is better. I'm already searching for a new embroidery project so I can practice my stitches. At this point I don't care if I sound like the biggest geek ever...I have so much fun experimenting with new crafts. Also, it's nice to take a break from knitting every once and awhile so my love for yarn stays fresh.
"I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship." ;-)
Have you ever tried embroidery? What are some of your favorite embroidery projects?