Strawberry and Date Oat Bars

On Monday afternoon I took a snack break and decided to try these Strawberry and Date Oat Bars from Whole Living. I found the recipe while using my time very effectively on Pinterest...hehe. The recipe seemed perfect for a healthy summer snack! The best part: no hot oven required. That was definitely a plus since it has been at least 107 degrees outside every day this week. Not exactly ideal baking weather. Actually, it isn't ideal move or do anything weather. I try not to think about it too much. If I do, I just end up shaking my fist at the sun. Haha.

The recipe is super easy and it turned out great! I substituted almonds for the macadamia nuts and they tasted great with the sweet dates. A perfect summer afternoon snack, and breakfast too!

I can't believe August is here already. Instead of worrying about how quickly this year is flying by I will think about all of the possibilities in the new month ahead. I will be a year older, see one of my dearest friends get married, and embark on all sorts of new crafty adventures. Other than that, who really knows what will happen? :)

I hope you have a great day! Have you tried any new recipes lately?

baking, recipe, summermeredith