I mentioned on
Twitter and
Facebook yesterday that I was planning a fun yarn bombing activity we could all try together. I thought we could all go out on
Saturday, September 29 and declare it
Sheepish Yarn Bombing Day! If you haven't given yarn bombing a try, Saturday will be the day to do it! If you are like me and have yarn bombed before, let's do it again! When I attempted my
first yarn bomb I was extremely nervous, with shaky hands and a butterfly-filled stomach to prove it. Surprisingly I was able to stitch the knit square on the fence and run away without the excessive finger pointing I expected. I've managed to summon up the courage to try yarn bombing a few more times and after each one I receive comments from people saying they want to give it a try but fall into at least one of the following categories:
1.) I'm too nervous!
2.) I don't know how to knit.
3.) I don't know how to crochet.
For some reason, yarn bombing seems to be done mostly with pieces of knitting rather than crochet. However a crochet square can be just as easily attached to a fence or tree limb as a knit one! If you can't knit you can always wrap a little piece of yarn around a chain link fence in a heart
like I did this summer. If you crochet you could
crochet a few fall leaves and hang them from a tree when you are out and about Saturday afternoon. You can even use knit or crochet pieces you already have made, like an old granny square from a blanket project that is just sitting around. It doesn't have to be anything huge or loud, just a little something to push you out of your comfort zone and express yourself with creativity. You might be surprised by the confidence boosting power of such a small act. I certainly was!

I can't believe it but my strawberry yarn bomb from this summer is STILL there! It survived the heat, rain, hail, wind, and probably a few curious pulls and tugs. For my yarn bombing on Saturday I am going to come up with something fall related to add to the railing on the other side.
It makes me smile to see that my yarn bombing is still there. I know it is just a little scrap of knitting but obviously someone who works near that railing likes it enough to keep it around. Hopefully this next yarn bomb will bring about even more smiles.
That's the main goal for Saturday: do something creative that makes you, and your community, smile a little bigger. I hope you can join the fun! If you are on Twitter or Instagram use the hashtag #sheepishyarnbomb so we can see each other's pictures! I will do a group post next week with everyone's photos too. So start planning! I can't wait to see your pictures and hear your stories. This is going to be fun!
Are you able to participate? If you can't do something on Saturday, do it on Friday or Sunday maybe? The whole weekend can be filled with yarn bombing! :)