Summer Treats + Sponsor One Sheepish Girl

Now that summer is officially here, I have been enjoying the many treats of the season! Snow cones from the stand on the side of the road, a strawberry basil lime smash, peanut butter and pretzel bars...the perfect combination during any season...and fresh vegetables from the farmers market. I love cooking with fresh ingredients this time of year!

Anyway, it is hard to believe, but July is only a few days away. I can't wait to celebrate the 4th of July! If you are looking for a place to advertise your blog, shop, or website, I would love to work with you. I have Large, Medium, and Small spaces available for next month and beyond. You can purchase and upload your ad image on the Passionfruit website. If your ad is approved it will go live immediately! Ad spaces are available for purchase at any time of the month. Visit my sponsor page here for rates and discounts on three month bundles. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Also, I'm sure you know this by now, but Google Reader is shutting down on July 1st. You can continue following my blog posts by switching over to Bloglovin'.

How is your week going so far? Raise your hand if it is crazy busy?! Have you visited your local farmers market this summer?