July Film Camera Challenge - Theme #1

Even though the first week of July is coming to an end, I am finally ready to get the July Film Camera Challenge started! I am changing things up a little from last month and announcing the new themes every Saturday morning of the month. That way we will have more time to explore and shoot with our film cameras on the weekends in addition to a few shots during the week. I also think this is going to help me focus on one theme a week. Grab the button below if you want to link to the film challenge on your blog! You can spread the word about the film challenge themes and share your photos on Twitter and Instagram using the hashtag #osgfilmchallenge.  
This first theme for July is....Everyday Surprises! Keep your eyes open for interesting things around you in your everyday life. Several weeks ago when I was driving around Dallas I stumbled upon this building covered in colorful paper. I am so glad I decided to stop and snap a quick picture with my iPhone. However, I wish I had a film camera with me at the time to really capture the details.
One Sheepish Girl

Let me know if you need a different button size.  Simply copy and paste this button code in your sidebar. 
Are you going to dust off your film camera this month too? I can't wait to see your pictures!