The Blush List - Sweaters & Coffee

Knit // This knit cape from We Are Knitters is so cool! Definitely adding it to my "knit wish list".

Crochet // I just love the diamond bobble crochet pattern used on this crochet iPad case.

Etsy // I am a sucker for cute cards. This sweet set from Clap Clap Design is calling my name.

Style // The Rebecca Taylor pre-fall 2014 collection features a beautiful selection of knit sweaters. Cable knit sweaters layered over floral tops? Yeah...I like that.

Art // Oh hey, floral sweater illustration. I like you, too. A lot.

Food // Last but not cake donuts. The world wasn't good enough with just coffee cake and just donuts. Bring them together and life becomes exponentially better.

Happy Sunday everyone! How was your weekend? Good, I hope! I enjoyed a lot of movies, some knitting time, and currently I am listening to the sound of freezing rain hit my window. A nice day to stay in, keep warm, and take it easy. Oh and pre-game for the biggest night in the history of television. You know what I'm talking about...

The Sherlock season finale, of course!! Did you think I meant the Superbowl? I only just found out that the game was happening today. Yay sports! Haha.

I worked a lot on my Wool & The Gang sweater this weekend. I am so ready to finish it up! What did you work on over the last few days? Start any new projects? I would love to see! Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!