The Blush List - Swans + Scarves + Scones

Knitting // This might be the first multi-textural knit garment that I actually like! I am definitely feeling inspired to mix yarns, weights, and textures. Beautiful photography by Marc Hibbert.

Crochet // A crochet swan purse from La Casita de Wendy.

Wish List // These beautiful floral cell phone cases from With Lavender and Lace are making me swoon.

Style // Just in case you weren't swooning...say hello to Leah Goren's latest scarf collection.

Art // The sweetest vintage hat illustration by Emma Block.

Food // A plate of scrumptious strawberry scones are just what this cloudy day is missing...

The Blush List is a little late but hopefully getting your week off to an inspiring start!

Thank you for all of your kind words about my last few travel posts. Boston and Austin were so much fun. I can't wait to pack a bag and head out to a new city soon! For now though, I need to really focus on finishing up some final book edits and changes. It is getting a little overwhelming but I know it will all come together in the end.

Here's to a new week! Don't forget to believe in yourself.