Bath + London iPhone Snapshots

Here are some of my favorite iPhone photos from my trip to Bath and London! I enjoyed spending part of my Sunday afternoon looking through these photos and feeling so thankful for the wonderful memories I will be able to carry with me for the rest of my life.

Also, head on over to the Mollie Makes blog to read the recap of my #MollieTakeover! I am so honored that I was the first blogger to participate in this new series. I can't wait to see who takes the reigns next!

This is going to be a very exciting week! October 7th is the official launch date for Crochet with One Sheepish GirlSeveral of you who pre-ordered the book have already posted photos with the hashtag #crochetwithosg and #onesheepishgirl. Thank you so much for spreading the word! I can't wait to  finally celebrate  with all of you!

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!