Sheepish Heart Bomb 2015!

It's that time of year again! I almost didn't post about the Sheepish Heart Bomb this year because I thought I waited to long to get the word out for the third annual Sheepish Heart Bomb on Valentine's Day. Then I realized it's never too late to share a little love! No matter how busy, stressed, or caught up in our own problems, there is always time to let someone know they are loved. If you haven't participated in this love-filled, yarn bomb event before, here are the details...

1. Crochet, knit, sew, make a little heart!

2. Attach a kind note that says something like, "You are loved!" and the hashtag, #sheepishheartbomb

3. Leave your heart on a park bench, coffee shop door handle, bike rack, and anywhere and everywhere in between.

The idea is that someone in need of a smile will find your heart on Valentine's Day and feel loved! :)

Here are some photos of the hearts spread around the world last year!

It is such a small act, but it can have a huge impact on someone's day. I know it is a little last minute but I hope you join me on Saturday and leave a heart out in the world. Click here for some heart patterns and other ideas for your creations! I can't wait to see what you make. Are you in? Spread the word!