You are Loved - Sheepish Heart Bomb Results

For the third year in a row, I am completely blown away by the number of people who participated in the #sheepishheartbomb. It is amazing to see so many kind and creative people around the world take the time to make something and carefully place it out in the world. The collective wish is that someone in need of a smile will find one of these little hearts and do just that. My favorite part of the #sheepishheartbomb is when I receive notifications from the people who find these love notes out on their morning walk or tied to their shop door. What a beautiful way to celebrate Valentine's Day!

Thank you to everyone who participated! I am going to try to keep some of these hearts and notes in my purse at all times. That way I can just leave them at a coffee shop on a random Tuesday and keep the heart bombs going all year long! Would you be interested in participating in these throughout the year? I've done themed yarn bombs before like the Sheepish Bloom Drop and Sheepish Thanks. I would love to know your thoughts! Let's keep spreading the kindness!

Check out the #sheepishheartbomb hashtag on Twitter and Instagram to see everyone's beautiful creations from the weekend!